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Sports Championships

College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences at the University of Baghdad

College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences at the University of Baghdad is the mother college, and the oldest among the colleges of physical education in Iraq.It is a giant sports edifice that produced hundreds of academics, coaches, and experts in the field of physical education. Its history dates back to the year 8391, when for the first time a special section for physical education was opened in the Higher Teachers’ House during the academic year 1938-1939.Seven students were accepted in the first year and 6 students in the second year. This was the first step to prepare the specialized work team. more.


The Teaching Staff



Latest News

Workshop on “Mechanisms for Maintaining Social and State Cohesion in Iraq: A Future Vision”

College Professors Secure Victory in the University of Baghdad Futsal Championship

College Dean Welcomes FIFA Advisor

PhD Dissertation Discusses the Role of the Organizational Environment and Its Relationship with Change Management for Physical Education Supervisors in Baghdad


Teaching Staff


postgraduate students


Undergraduate Students


MSc Students


PhD Students


Community Services

The College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences represents a milestone in university education through its continuous interaction with the community in its various sectors, both governmental and private. More

Student Services

The College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences seeks to fulfill its duties and responsibilities towards its students, and works to care for and support them within a wide range of student life areas. The college has developed a wide range of support services More

College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences Map