Individual Sports Department
Providing students with modern knowledge of all physical education sciences, Preparing students to learn modern teaching methods and techniques in secondary school, Providing students with the skills of holding and participating in scout camps and sports festivals., Educating students about general sports culture to serve Iraqi society, Introducing students to general cognitive aspects through university coursesK, Providing students with the skill of scientific research and conducting scientific research
The Vision
An ambitious picture for the future of the academic program to be an advanced, inspiring, stimulating, realistic and applicable scientific programme.
The Mission
Working to prepare and graduate leading scientific and leadership competencies in the field of physical education and sports sciences and to develop the balance of knowledge in the field of scientific research in the field of physical education and sports sciences in order to serve the local, regional and international community, as well as training and refining the minds of students scientifically and cognitively, and emphasizing social values. Cultural and responsive to local market requirements.

The Objectives
- 1. Preparing teaching and training cadres with high capabilities in sports fields.
- 2. Preparing cadres to work within ministries, governmental and non-governmental institutions.
- 3. Providing students with various sciences in all specializations by keeping pace with the development taking place in developed countries.
- 4. Preparing a generation loaded with faith and patriotism in order to be future leaders in the service of society.
- 5. Communicating with ministries, institutions and sports clubs by holding training and control seminars and sports seminars related to the latest developments in the sports arena.
- 6. Contributing to the development of independent sports programs based on the sports reality of individual games