Website management

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The Website Unit is directly linked to the Dean, and includes the following websites and systems: Arabic Website Management, English Website Management, Website Systems and Applications Management, Google Accounts Unit, and Administrative Follow-up Unit.
Managing the Website in Arabic
This includes daily updates on the college’s news and activities, periodic updates of static pages related to the community (students, faculty, and visitors), providing various statistics and maps, and informing the community about the services offered by the college (students and visitors).

Website link

Managing the Website in English
This involves daily updates on the college’s news and activities After translating to English
,  periodic updates of static pages related to the community (students, faculty, and visitors), providing various statistics and maps, and informing the community about the services offered by the college (students and visitors).

Website link

Managing the Scientific Activities System
This includes supervising the website for scientific activities related to seminars, workshops, and discussion panels, in addition to all scientific activities held in the college, based on the annual plan.
Managing Official Accounts for College faculty
This involves managing the official accounts for college members, faculty, and students. This involves resolving issues related to lost emails or passwords , in addition to annual lists of new students and new appointed staff to the university to create official accounts for them.
Supervising the Digital Repository System
This covers guiding college faculty to register and add their various accounts and research to the digital repository and updating it regularly.
Engaging with the University’s Website Administration
This includes attending all meetings, workshops, and courses related to the website management.
After translating to English