Member of postgraduate students from the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences visited Al Khawarizmi College of Engineering laboratory at the University of Baghdad as part of the collaborative protocol between the university’s colleges. This visit was integral to the curriculum of the biomechanical analysis course for master’s students in the college, supervised by Dr. Huda Hameed and Dr. Hassana Sattar, who are instructors of the biomechanical analysis course. The delegation from the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, including Dr. Yasser Najah, a member of the scientific committee, and Dr. Intisar Rashid, also participated in the visit. The visit included an explanation of the 3D biomechanical analysis system, as one of the modern systems used in biomechanical analysis, along with its associated software and its benefits for the biomechanics specialization and analysis for postgraduate students in the college to analyze sports games and skills that could be developed into master’s theses for our students.

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